A question for people on Nuvaring birth control.? - my cerivx is low and hard what does it mean
I was on NuvaRing for 2 months and have been bleeding for a month. Nothing very important, but more about the site. This was done for a month. Did we do? I also learned in my pap smear, I finally precancerous cells in my cerivx. These cells could be the cause? What happened here?
This seems a long time to have bleeding, call your doctor or nurse will look for advice on what to do. Some bodies is normal when changing methods of birth control, but it seems a little excessive. I do not think the pre-cancerous cells, causing the stains, but again not sure.
and whatever
I was on the NuvaRing after having my daughter and I had no problem with him, I did not spot anything. I would like to ask your doctor or pharmacist can also help. Sorry, I'm not much help here
I do not know how it does not sound good, and if my suggestion is go see a doctor.
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