I have rectal pain but dont have medical insurace? - constant prostate pain
Hello, I am 24 years old, I never smoked almost never taken drugs, I had a constant low level pain in the rectum for a few weeks. Also recently, I had low blood pressure and weakness. I have no insurance so I havent see the doctor. I do not know what to do, but I suspect something wrong with the colon, rectum or prostate. I still hope that all goes away, I fear. I wish there were a way to get the treatment and to start paying as soon as you can afford.
Go to the County Health Department, where he lives ... If you are not treated, usually know of programs that help people in your situation ...
Go to the County Health Department, where he lives ... If you are not treated, usually know of programs that help people in your situation ...
Go to the County Health Department, where he lives ... If you are not treated, usually know of programs that help people in your situation ...
You must see a doctor, or other means. My advice is to take a job where you are not health insurance that I can get to know to find the easiest thing to do - but it is very important.
Meanwhile, you have to find a free clinic. They are up. Check if your local hospital, and if you live in the suburbs, go to the big city. We have a lot harder to create any kind of attention when you are not insured to be found, but it is possible to observe closely.
Perhaps a parasite in the gut is starting with the helmet of black walnut take for regular bowel movement and elimination of pests in your case.
Take a diet rich in fiber.
I've always said "if it is likely that a horse do not assume it is a zebra." You have not mentioned, no rectal bleeding or a change in bowel habits, no pain or difficulty urinating, fever, abdominal pain or family history of cancer ...?? Without these things, piles, would be a likely cause of pain in the rectum. I tried an over-the-counter medications hemorrhoids first. It is cheap and easy to use. If there is no significant relief from this, then I go to the doctor. Tell the doctor that is not insured. He or she will do everything we can to do to keep costs low. Having said all that, he could go to the doctor is the only thing that gives you peace of mind. That in itself is worth a fortune - and the clinic and the doctor with you to determine an appropriate plan if you are honest with themselves about their situation. Good luck!
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